Sunday, May 27, 2012

"We are only to the H's?": Turning a graduation ceremony into a prayer opportunity

"We are only to the H's?" is a thought that has hit me more than once in the middle of a HS graduation ceremony.  Don't get me wrong, after 21 years of student ministry, I really do love attending graduations and supporting students and families.  And, as a people watcher, there are lots of people to watch at these things (graduations can provide extra-special sociological experiences).  Still, in the middle of the H's, the "is this almost over" feeling can creep in on a guy.

Here is a way to beat that "We are only to the H's" feeling at graduation--PRAY!  Think about it.  You are listening to every name of every graduating senior of that High School.  Why not pray for every name being announced?  At larger schools you have to pray fast before the next name is announced, but ask the Father to bless the student's faith, future and family (three F's should be easy to remember).  Who knows, the Lord may use you for a Divine Appointment in one of those lives someday!  

Enjoy Graduation, the people watching and the prayer time!  

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